Bergman, Ingrid (1915-1982)
Fine signed photograph
Swedish actress who starred in a variety of European and American films. Fine signed photograph “Ingrid Bergman”. Additional inscribed in blue ink with a greeting in French in Bergman’s hand to a “Mo. Foucher”. 5.0 x 7.0 inch bookpage photo attached on thin cardboard to an overall of 6.0 x 8.5 inch. Dated in ballpoint-pen in another hand “26/ mai 57”. Good condition.
Price: $ 550 / € 500
Bernhardt, Sarah (1844-1923)
Autograph note signed
French stage and early film actress. Autograph note signed “Sarah Bernhardt 1893”. Black bordered mourning card, 4.25 x 2.75 inch, n.p., 1893, embossed monogram upper left corner. A fine handwritten note regarding a financial matter “… faites credits …”. Vertical fold, else fine condition. Uncommon and fine autograph.
Price: $ 385 / € 350
Bohr, Niels (1885-1962)
Signed “Pictorial Biography” Book
Danish physicist who was awarded the 1922 Nobel Prize in Physics for his theory of atomic structure. Danish and English language signed book "Niels Bohr 24-4-1960.” Niels Bohr 1885 – 7. Oktober – 1955. En Billedbiografi med Indledning af Professor, Dr. phil. Sven Werner. (A Pictorial Biography with Introduction by Professor, Dr. phil. Sven Werner). Copenhagen, Denmark: Berlingske Forlag 1955, Softcover, 6.75 x 9.25, 61 pages. Signed neatly on the first free end page in fountain pen by Bohr. The front cover bears a preprinted facsimile signature. In very good condition, with old clear tape to the spine, and heavy wear to the covers; interior pages are clean and unaffected. An uncommon biographical title signed in later age by the revered Danish physicist with dozens of photos.
Price: $ 1,540 / € 1.400
Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm (1811-1899)
Autograph letter signed
German chemist who discovered the elements cesium and rubidium and who developed the laboratory burner that now bears his name. Autograph letter signed “RWBunsen”. 3 pages, bifolium, 5.5 x 8.5 inch, Heidelberg, 1858 July 27. To Friedrich Bukeisen, who had asked him to "reserve a place in my laboratory". In German: „Es wird mir zum besonderen Vergnügen gereichen Ihrem Wunsche zu entsprechen und Ihnen einen Platz in meinem Laboratorium zu reservieren…Gern werde ich Ihnen, wo Sie es wünschen, mit Rath und That an die Hand gehen. Sollten Sie Ihren Vorsatz ausführen, so würde ich Sie nur bitten, mich mit zwei Zeilen noch weiter davon in Kenntniss zu setzen, da sonst leicht der Fall eintreten könnte, daß es an Platz fehlte. Wenn Sie zur Carlsruher Naturforscher Versammlung gingen, würde es mich sehr freuen hier oder dort Ihre persönliche Bekanntschaft zu machen. Ob ich die übrige Zeit der Ferien hier bin ist sehr zweifelhaft, da ich wahrscheinlich einen kleinen Ausflug in die Schweiz machen werde und den Zeitpunkt meiner Abreise noch nicht bestimmen kann.“ Translated: „It will be a pleasure for me to comply with your request and to reserve you a place in my laboratory... I will be happy to help you with words and deeds wherever you wish. Should you carry out your intention, I would only ask you to inform me of it further in two lines, otherwise it could easily happen that there is not enough space. If you went to the Carlsruh Natural Sciences Meeting, I would be very happy to meet you personally. It is very doubtful whether I will be here for the rest of the holidays, since I will probably make a small trip to Switzerland and cannot yet determine the time of my departure.” Accompanied by the original mailing envelope. Mailing folds, slightly discolored, else fine condition. Bunsen's Heidelberg laboratory was considered the most modern of its kind in Germany.
Price: $ 1,265 / € 1.150
Byrd, Richard E. (1888-1957)
Typed letter signed
American naval officer, aviator and explorer. Typed letter signed “R.E. Byrd”. 1p., 8.5 x 11.0 inch, Boston, 1928 April 30. On his Byrd Antarctic Expedition letterhead. Letter to Rev. Leo Leonard Twinem. In full: “I want to thank you for the privilege you have extended to me in adding my name to your organization of boys in your church. I am glad to be one of them. Will you please tell the boys of this organization that I am pleased that they stand for such high things – courage, humility and devotion to purpose, and that I send each of them my best wishes. At your convenience I should like to have a list of the members of this organization and their addresses.” Mailing folds, handling wear and minor paper clip stain, else good condition.
Price: $ 190 / € 175
Cody, William F. “Buffalo Bill” (1846-1917)
Uncommon signed photograph + additional photo
American scout, bison hunter and showman. Signed photograph, 4.5 x 3.5 inch on the original 6.25 x 5.25 inch photographers mount. Signed in dark black in by Cody “Col Cody In horse pasture Carter Ranch Big Horn County Wyo”. Photograph slightly faded, else good condition. Also included is an amazing photograph of the Carter Mountain Ranch. 11.25 x 3.5 inch on the original 14.0 x 5.5 inch photographers mount. On verso in pencil “Carter Ranch (sheep Mt. in background). Pin holes in all four corners, corner wear, else good condition. JSA Letter of Authenticity included. Uncommon and fine pair of photographs.
Price: $ 1,760 / € 1.600
Dior, Christian (1905-1957)
Signature matted with photograph
French fashion designer and founder of one of the world's top fashion houses, Christian Dior SE. Vintage album page signed “tian dior”. 6.5 x 4.5 inch., n.p., n.d. Signed in blue ballpoint pen. Handsomely matted in gray with a paper photograph of Dior to an overall of 7.75 x 11.75 inch. Both items removable affixed with photo corners. Fine condition. Accompanied by a full letter of authenticity from JSA.
Price: $ 1,320 / € 1.200
Eiffel, Gustave (1832-1923)
Bookpage signed and matted
A French civil engineer and architect. He is best known for the world-famous Eiffel Tower. Bookpage signed “Hommage de G. Eiffel”. 1p., 7.25 x 5.0 inch (visible), n.p., n.d. Page from the book “ÉTUDES PRATIQUES DE MÉTÉOROLOGIE”. Signed at the top in ink by Eiffel. Handsomely matted in gray with a fine photograph of Eiffel to an overall of 9.0 x 11.75 inch. Both items removable affixed with photo corners. Excellent condition.
Price: $ 880 / € 800
Einstein, Albert (1879-1955)
Humorous typed letter signed re: chocolates and limit speed
A German-born theoretical physicist. He developed the general theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics. Best known for his mass-energy equivalence formula E = mc2 - "the world's most famous equation”. Received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics. Fantastic typed letter signed “A. Einstein”. 1p., 8.5 x 11.0 inch, Princeton, 1949 March 28. On his blind embossed “A. Einstein 112, Mercer Street, Princeton, New Jersey stationery”, “erh. (received) 30/3” in pencil at the top, signed in dark black ink. Addressed to Mr. L. Manners in New York. In German, in full: “Sehr geehrter Herr Manners, Ihr Brief war wirklich erquickend. Man fühlt die freundliche Gesinnung und freut sich. Was nun die von Ihnen mit so viel Recht gepriesenen Pralinen anbelangt, so ist der Vergleich mit der Grenzgeschwindigkeit wohl berechtigt. Ich habe es konstatiert indem ich unter Missachtung strengster medizinischer Vorschrift eines aus der Menge probierte. Es ist gut, wenn man etwas produzieren kann, das dauernd des allgemeinen Interesses gewiss ist; mit dem Gehirn allein lässt sich das nicht zuwege bringen“. Translated: „Dear Mr. Manners, Your letter was really refreshing. One feels the friendly attitude and is happy about it. As far as the chocolates you so rightly praised, the comparison with the limit speed is probably justified. I found it out by trying one of the crowd, disregarding the strictest medical regulations. It's good when you can produce something that is always of general interest; that cannot be achieved with the brain alone.” Accompanied by the original mailing envelope. Mailing folds, else fine condition. Beautiful letter from the great scientist!
Price: $ 9,900 / € 9.000
Fermi, Enrico (1901-1954)
Autograph postcard signed
Italian physicist, renowned for being the creator of the world's first nuclear reactor. He has been called the "architect of the nuclear age” and the "architect of the atomic bomb". Fermi was awarded the 1938 Nobel Prize in Physics. Autograph postcard signed “Enrico Fermi”. Postcard, 5.25 x 3.25 inch, Courmayeur, August 8, 1928. Addressed and with a short greeting in Italian “Saluti cordiali” in Laura Fermi Capon’s hand to Maria Piazza in Rome. Enrico Fermi has signed “Enrico Fermi” below Laura’s signature. Fine condition. Laura Capon Fermi (1907-1977) was an Italian and naturalized-American writer and political activist, she married Enrico Fermi on July 19, 1928 just a few weeks before this postcard was written.
Price: $ 3,025 / € 2.750
Fleming, Alexander (1881-1955)
Signature matted with photograph
Scottish physician, microbiologist and pharmacologist. His best-known discoveries are the enzyme lysozyme in 1923 and the world's first antibiotic substance benzylpenicillin (Penicillin G) from the mould Penicillium notatum in 1928, for which he shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1945 with Howard Florey and Ernst Boris Chain. Perfect signature “Alexander Fleming 1954”. Signed and dated in Fleming’s hand. Card, 4.0 x 3.25 inch (visible), n.p. 1954. Excellent signed in dark blue ink. Handsomely matted in gray with a glossy photograph of Fleming to an overall of 11.75 x 7.75 inch. Both items removable affixed with photo corners. Fine condition. Excellent display item.
Price: $ 1,045 / € 950
Freud, Sigmund (1856-1939)
Fantastic content autograph letter signed
Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis, a clinical method for treating psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst. Autograph letter signed “Freud”. 2 pages, 5.25 x 3.5 inch, recto and verso of his personal correspondence card, Vienna IX, Berggasse 19, August 11, 1930, but from his holiday at “Grundlsee” in Austria. Freud writes to “Mrs. Prof. Ehrmann in Vienna“. In full, in German: “Geehrte Freundin Ich danke Ihnen sehr für Ihre herzlichen Worte was für Bedeutung öffentliche Anerkennungen um diese Zeit des Lebens noch haben können, werden sie selbst erraten. Ich hoffe Sie haben noch viel Freude an Tochter u(nd) Enkelkind. Ihr herzlich ergebener“. Translated: "I thank you very much for your kind and heartfelt words. You can judge for yourself the impact that public recognition still can have on our lives in this day and age. I hope you continue to have much joy and happiness with your daughter and grandchild." In fine, clean condition. A fantastically crisp letter, including a pointed observation from a man who was no stranger to the limelight.
Price: $ 4,900 / € 4.450
Garbo, Greta (1905-1990)
Check signed
Swedish film actress, icon during Hollywood's silent and classic periods and one of the greatest film stars of all time. Check signed “Greta Garbo”. A light green Chase Manhattan Bank check signed “Greta Garbo”. Check, 6.25 x 2.75 inch, New York, 1965 August 30, filled out in type and signed by Garbo. Payable to Ethel H. Anderson for $145.03. Fine condition and with an excellent signature. The rarity of Greta Garbo autographs is legendary and can be traced back to her early years when Garbo refused to sign autographs or answer fan mail. Signed photos are virtually non-existent and some signed documents are highly questionable. The best way to have a guaranteed genuine autograph of Greta Garbo - bank checks.
Price: $ 1,320 / € 1.200
Hedin, Sven (1865-1952)
Signed photograph and autograph note signed
Swedish geographer, topographer, explorer, photographer, travel writer, and illustrator of his own works. Fine signed photograph “Sven Hedin 25.11.49”. 4.0 x 6.0 inch, n.p. On verso Hedin wrote and signed a short message. Minor mounting residue on verso, else good condition.
Price: $ 440 / € 400
Heisenberg, Werner (1901-1976)
Signed photograph in near mint condition
German theoretical physicist and one of the key pioneers of quantum mechanics. Heisenberg was awarded the 1932 Nobel Prize in Physics "for the creation of quantum mechanics”. Signed photograph “Werner Heisenberg”. 4.25 x 6.25 inch, n.p., n.d. Fine black and white matte-finish photo of Heisenberg, signed in the lower border with a blue ballpoint pen. In near mint condition.
Price: $ 1,540 / € 1.400
Humboldt, Alexander von (1769-1859)
Autograph letter signed
German (Prussian) geographer, naturalist and explorer. His quantitative work on botanical geography laid the foundation for the field of biogeography. Autograph letter signed “AvHumboldt”. 5.5 x 8.5 inch, n.p., n.d. In German, in full: “David reist wahrscheinlich schon übermorgen ab, also flehe ich daß sie, theurer Freund, morgen Freitags um 4 Uhr (vier Uhr) bei mir essen.” Mailing folds, else fine condition.
Price: $ 880 / € 800
Jahn, Friedrich Ludwig (1778-1852) „Der Turnvater“
Autograph note signed
German gymnastics educator and nationalist. His admirers know him as “Turnvater” Jahn, roughly meaning "father of gymnastics" Jahn. Autograph note signed in the third person “Jahn”. 1p., 6.75 x 6.25 inch, n.p., n.d. A fine note written in dark black ink. In German, in full: “Jahn wünscht zu erfahren, aber bald: Wie der Staatsmusicus von Pirna geheißen, dessen Sohn 1813, beim 3 Bataillon Lützow, Staatshornist gewesen, und wo der lebt, oder wo er gestorben?“. Also enclosed is a Jahn biography written in unknown hand and some old newspaper clippings. Uneven trimmed, label with number bottom left, else fine condition. Rare autograph!
Price: $ 770 / € 700
Jung, Carl Gustav (1875-1961)
Typed letter signed
Often referred to as C. G. Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist and the founder of the analytical psychology. Jung proposed and developed the concepts of extraversion and introversion, archetypes, and the collective unconscious. Typed letter signed “C.G. Jung”. 1p., 8.25 x 5.75 inch, Küsnacht-Zürich, 1947 March 7. On his “Prof. Dr. C. G. Jung” letterhead. Letter to Dr. Hans Lövinsohn in Hilversum. In German, in full: “Sehr geehrter Herr Doktor, Leider bin ich nicht in der Lage, Ihrem Wunsche Folge zu leisten. Ich würde Ihnen aber empfehlen, Herrn Dr. Hans Bänziger, (Börsenstrasse, 16, Zürich,) einmal anzufragen, ob er geneigt wäre eine solche Schrift zu verfassen. Mit vorzüglicher Hochachtung, Ihr ergebener C.G. Jung P.S. Wie ich eben höre, wird demnächst bei Rascher & Co. In Zürich eine Arbeit von Dr.Arnold Künzli über die Angst veröffentlicht werden. Herr Rascher wäre eventuell bereit, Ihnen einen Teil der Arbeit zu überlassen. Ich möchte Sie bitten, sich direkt mit ihm in Verbindung zu setzen. (Rascher & Co.Limmatquai, 50, Zürich). Translated: “Dear Doctor, Unfortunately I am not in a position to comply with your request. However, I would recommend to ask Dr. Hans Bänziger (Börsenstrasse, 16, Zurich) whether he would be inclined to write such a document. Yours sincerely, C.G. Jung P.S. As I just heard, a work by Dr.Arnold Künzli on fear will soon be published by Rascher & Co. in Zurich. Mr. Rascher might be willing to let you have some of the work. I would like to ask you to contact him directly. (Rascher & Co. Limmatquai, 50, Zurich). Minor handling wear, else fine condition.
Price: $ 2,300 / € 2.100
Kneipp, Sebastian (1821-1897)
Uncommon document signed
German Catholic priest and one of the forefathers of the naturopathic medicine movement. Uncommon document signed “Seb: KneippPf(arrer)”. Document, 3.75 x 2.5 inch, n.p., 1883. Document “Sparkasse für Zeit und Ewigkeit”. Created by Rosina Mayer. In full: “Diese Nullen sind an sich wertlos, kommt aber nur die einfachste Ziffer hinzu, dann gibt e seine große Summe. Unsere Handlungen sind Nullen, kommt aber nur das Einserls hinzu, so gibt es eine große Summe. Dieses Einserl ist die gute Meinung.“ Handsomely and removable matted in gray with a photograph of Kneipp to an overall of 7.75 x 11.75 inch. Handling and corner wear, else good condition. Accompanied by a small UNSIGNED piece of paper with information about a „water-therapy“ written by Kneipp in pencil.
Price: $ 770 / € 700
Koch, Robert (1843-1910)
Scarce autograph letter signed
German physician, pioneering microbiologist and the founder of modern bacteriology. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1905. Autograph letter signed “R. Koch”. 2 pages, bifolium, recto and verso, 4.5 x 7.0 inch, Berlin, 1893 March 10. A fine letter written at the time Koch was the director of the Institute for Infectious Diseases in Berlin. In German, in full: “Hochgeehrter Herr Geheimrath! Wiederholt habe ich es versucht, Sie im Ministerium zu treffen, habe aber kein Glück gehabt. Da ich im Begriff bin, nach Dresden abzureisen, so möchte ich Ihnen vorher noch die kurze Mittheilung machen, daß ich vor zwei Tagen mit den Kuratoren des Bleichröderischen Nachlasses auf deren Einladung eine Besprechung gehabt habe. Dieselben erkannten die Verpflichtung zur Erfüllung der von Herrn v. Bleichröder gemachten Zusage an, wollten aber von meiner Verbindung der Bleichröder-Stiftung mit Einwirkungen, welche vom Kultusministerium ausgehen, nicht erst etwas wissen. Sie verlangten von mir Auskunft darüber, ob der Verstorbene dem Kultusministerium gegenüber bindende Erklärungen abgegeben habe, worüber ich natürlich nichts angeben konnte. Ich glaube, dass wenn die Kuratoren für Ihr Pläne gewonnen werden sollen, dies bald geschehen müsste und zwar auf Grund bestimmter Vorschläge, die ihnen annehmbar erscheinen müssen. P.S. Besten Dank für die erfreuliche Mittheilung über Lebbertis Ernennung zum Sanitätsarzt.“ Translated: “Repeatedly I have tried to meet you at the Ministry but have had no luck. Since I am at the point of going to Dresden, I want to give you this bit of information, that two days ago, upon their invitation, I had a discussion with the trustees of the Bleichröder estate. They recognized their obligation to fulfill the promise made by Mr. v. Bleichröder, but did not want to hear anything about a combination of the Bleichröder-Foundation with arrangements initiated by the Ministry. They demanded that I inform them whether the deceased had made binding declarations to the Ministry. Of course I could not say anything about this. I think that if the trustees need to be won over this has to be done soon and has to be based on certain suggestions which have to seem acceptable to them. P.S. Thank you very much for the pleasant news about Lebberti's appointment as medical doctor.” Mailing fold, else fine condition. The deceased named in the letter was Gerson von Bleichröder (1822-1893) a Jewish German banker.
Price: $ 3,300 / € 3.000
Laurel, Stan (1890-1965) & Hardy, Oliver (1892-1957)
Excellent signatures matted with photograph
A comedy double of the early Classical Hollywood era of American cinema. The team was composed of thin Englishman, Stan Laurel and heavyset American, Oliver Hardy. They became well known during the late 1920s through the mid-1940s for their slapstick comedy with Laurel playing the clumsy and childlike friend of the pompous Hardy. Perfect signatures matted with photograph. Album page signed “Stan Laurel” in blue ink and “Oliver Hardy” in blue ballpoint pen. 3.25 x 3.75 inch (visible), n.p., n.d. Handsomely matted in grey with a black and white photograph, overall 7.75 x 11.75 inch. Excellent condition, perfect signatures and a beautiful display item.
Price: $ 1.045 / € 950
Le Corbusier (1887-1965)
Typed letter signed
Charles-Édouard Jeanneret known as Le Corbusier was a Swiss-French architect, designer, painter, urban planner, writer and one of the pioneers of what is now regarded as modern architecture. Typed letter signed “Le Corbusier”. 1p., 8.25 x 10.5 inch, Paris, 1954 March 29. On his personal “LE CORBUSIER, Paris” stationery and excellent signed in black ink. Addressed to Madame André JAOUL in Neuilly s/ Seine regarding an outstanding invoice. In French, in full: “…On me dit, mon service de comptabilité, qu’il serait infiniment agreeable de recevoir le montant de la note d’honoraires no 4, de I5 février 1954, de 3I9.948 francs, dès que cela vous sera possible. Il y a des jours où l’abondance ne règne pas et les petites sommes sont le bienvenues….”. Mailing folds, paper clip impression, handwritten note at the top, else good condition.
Price: $ 1,540 / € 1.400
Le Corbusier (1887-1965)
Typed letter signed
Charles-Édouard Jeanneret known as Le Corbusier was a Swiss-French architect, designer, painter, urban planner, writer and one of the pioneers of what is now regarded as modern architecture. Typed letter signed “Le Corbusier”. 1p., 8.25 x 10.5 inch, Paris, 1954 December 24. On his personal “LE CORBUSIER, Paris” stationery and excellent signed in black ink. Addressed to Madame André JAOUL in Neuilly regarding the work on a building that needs to be done to avoid irreparable damages. In French, in full: “… J’ai desire accompagner de quelques mots la letter qu’adresse M. Jacques Michel à votre fils. Je vous prie instamment, chère Madame, de vous render compte que certaines finitions du batiment doivent etre faites en cette saison afin d’éviter des choses irreparable. Vous ne m’en voudrez pas d’insister de cette facon car je serais impardonnable de ne pas le faire. Je tiens à vous dire encore que je suis à votre entière disposition pour vous aider dans toute la mesure du possible…”. Mailing folds, else fine condition.
Price: $ 1,540 / € 1.400
Lindbergh, Charles A. (1902-1974)
Signed photograph of a young Lucky Lindy
American aviator, author, inventor, explorer, and social activist. He became famous for making the first solo transatlantic airplane flight in 1927. Signed photograph “Charles A. Lindbergh”. 8.0 x 11.0 inch, sepia photograph, n.p., n.d. The attractive image depicting a young Lindbergh in a head and shoulders pose. Signed in bold black fountain pen ink to a clear area to the lower right corner of the photograph. Mounted on a same size photographers mount, illegible note at the bottom, age wear, toning and foxing stains mostly to borders.
Price: $ 1,650 / € 1.500
Lumière, Auguste (1862-1954)
Card signed
Inventor of photographic equipment, along with his brother, Louis Jean. In 1893 they developed a cine camera, the cinématographe, and showed the first motion pictures using film projection in 1895. They also invented the Autochrome screen plate for colour photography in 1903. Signed and inscribed card “Lumiere”. 1p., 5.0 x 3.25 inch, dated in Lumiere’s hand “26.2.(19)35”. Inscribed in French, fine condition.
Price: $ 440 / € 400
Lumière, Louis (1864-1948)
Unusual content typed letter signed
Together with his brother Auguste one of the first filmmakers in history. They patented an improved the cinematograph and showed the first motion pictures using film projection in 1895. Typed letter signed “Louis Lumiere”. 1p., 8.25 x 10.5 inch, Neuilly-Sur-Seine, 1937 December 15, on his personal printed stationery. To “Messieurs Dumas-Fillion et Bouvet”, in French. Lumiere informs his correspondents that he has received their letter and states in part: “I approve what you have done related to the damages that the falling of a chimney of my building may have caused…”. Fine condition.
Price: $ 550 / € 500
Mantell, Robert B. (1854-1928)
Fine oversized signed photograph
Shakespearean stage actor who made several silent films. Beautifully oversized signed photo “Yours Sincerely R. B. Mantell 1912”. 9.5 x 12.5 inch, signed and dated in black ink. Handling and corner wear, else fine condition. Rare in this size.
Price: $ 110 / € 100
Montgolfier, Joseph-Michel (1740-1810)
Autograph letter signed + three additional family letters
French politician and pioneering aviator. Best known for inventing, with his brother, Jacques-Etienne, the first successful hot-air balloon the Montgolfière-style hot air balloon, globe aérostatique, which launched the first confirmed piloted ascent by man in 1783. Autograph letter signed “J. Montgolfier”. 1p., 7.0 x 9.5 inch, Paris, 1791 February 7, red wax seal. A fine letter in French to the family doctor Mathieu Duret, the "Médecin Duret, officier municipal" (addressed on verso) in Annonay, to whom he sends family news from his uncle and niece. Also included is an autograph letter signed “Montgolfier ainé". Written and signed by Pierre Montgolfier (1700-1793), father of Joseph und Étienne. 1,5 pages, 1783 November 24. To Madame Montgolfier in the Ursuline Convent in Boulieu. After dealing with various topics (debts, clothing etc.), he reports to her that: "…que de toutes les nouvelles que l'on fait courir il n'y a de vray que le cordon noir promis à étienne et des lettres de noblesse à notre père, le tout qu'y a été promis et non encore effectué que nous aurions voulu nous en faire jusqu'à la conclusion ... l'abbé est parti vendredy avec la fanny et le petit joseph est arrivé le même jour à Lyon où il a vu Joseph qui se porte bien et dont la machine doit s'élever lundy prochain et partir le mardy si le temps le permet ...". And two autograph letters signed by „Étienne Chomel Dolivet“, a close friend of the Montgolfier family. Annonay January 20 and January 23, 1784. The first letter reports on the circulating rumors, discussions and expectations before the planned balloon ascent. "... J'ay été touché de l'intérêt obligeant qui tous nos concitoyens prenaient à cet Evenement, ma maison ne desemplissait pas, on voulait que j'en scu plus que tout autre, Enfin hier sur les cinq heures du soir un galant homme vient chez moy m'annoncer qu'il ne fallait plus croire à des propos affligeants qu'un Citoyen d'annonay parti de Lyon Samédy assurant avoir vu partir le Ballon monté par huit personnes sans accident ... Je mis faire indiquer l'homme, je l'envoie chercher avec une impatience inconcevable, il arrive et au lieu d'un départ pompeux il me dit qu'il a vu le feu à la partie Supérieure du Ballon ..." In the second letter, Dolivet describes the event as an eyewitness. "... Entre 1 à 2 heures de l'après midy le Balon [!]partit monté par 7 personnes: Joseph, Le prince de Ligne, Durosier, Le comte Dampierre, Danglifore, un jeune Fontaine - dès le départ, le Balon rasait la terre et quand il eut bien sur l'escort il monta le plus majesteusement aux acclamations d'une multitude innombrable, les vive Montgolfier ralentissaient, les Voyageurs repondaient aux Empressement public, cette Cérémonie dura tant qu'il eut possible de se repondre après que l'on agitait des Mouchoirs. la machine parvint à telle Elevation qu'on ne put plus voir les Voyageurs et qu'elle ne parut pas plus grosse que celle Expérimentée à annonay, elle se maintint en l'air pendant à propre un quatre d'heure ...". The description continues over three more closely written pages and finally quotes a leaflet with the quatrain that appeared on the occasion of the event: "un espace infini nous separait des Cieux / mais grace aux montgolfier qui le génie inspire / l'aigle de Jupiter a perdu son empire / et le faible mortel peut s'approcher des dieux". Mailing folds, handling wear, else good condition.
Price: $ 3,200 / € 2.900
Morse, Samuel F. B. (1791-1872)
Excellent autograph letter signed
Samuel Finley Breese Morse was an American painter and inventor. After having established his reputation as a portrait painter Morse contributed to the invention of a single-wire telegraph system and was a co-developer of the Morse code. Autograph letter signed "Saml. F.B. Morse". 1p., 7.25 x 9.0 inch, Po'keepsie, 1853 March 18. A fine handwritten letter to Reverend William B. Sprague in Albany. The letter, in full: "Your kind favor in answer to my inquiries is just received, as I am passing throught the village on my way to New York. I enclose Five dollars to purchase for me a copy of the Two volumes of the Transactions of the Albany Institute. If they could be sent immediately to New York to the care of my brothers N.Y. Observer Office I shall receive them there in good time to use them to advantage. Thanking you kindly for your attention, and hoping to see you at my house ere long." Mailing folds, handling wear, else fine condition.
Price: $ 1,540 / € 1.400
Morse, Samuel F. B. (1791-1872)
Autograph letter signed
Samuel Finley Breese Morse was an American painter and inventor. After having established his reputation as a portrait painter Morse contributed to the invention of a single-wire telegraph system and was a co-developer of the Morse code. Autograph letter signed "Saml. F.B. Morse". 1p., bifolium, 5.25 x 8.25 inch, 5 West 22 St (New York), 1870 April 21. A fine handwritten letter to Margaret (Stuyvesant) Rutherford, Art Committee, Sheltering Arms. The letter, in full: "I cheerfully comply with your request respecting the Photographs, and herewith return them duly endorsed. Wishing you success in your laudable efforts in promoting the benevolent intentions of the 'Sheltering Arms'.” Accompanied by the original envelope hand addressed by Morse. The envelope has no stamps or postmarks, probably hand delivered. Morse lived for many years and died at 5 West 22 Street, New York.
Price: $ 1,320 / € 1.200
Owens, Jesse (1913-1980)
Vintage signed photograph
American track and field athlete who specialized in the sprints and the long jump. He participated in the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin, Germany, where he achieved international fame by winning four gold medals. Vintage glossy signed and inscribed photograph “To Barry - Best of Luck Jesse Owens”. 7.75 x 9.5 inch., n.p., n.d. Owens proudly displaying his four Olympic medals. In very good to fine condition, with minor trimmed edges and some light creasing.
Price: $ 660 / € 600
Pasteur, Louis (1822 -1895)
Fine content autograph letter signed “anthrax after vaccination”
French chemist and microbiologist, popularly known as the "father of microbiology". Autograph letter signed “L. Pasteur”. 1p., 5.0 x 8.0 inch, Paris, 1883 May 23. Addressed to the President of the Hérault Agricultural Society, who had experimented with his vaccinations against the anthrax of sheep. This fine letter deals with the duration of immunity against anthrax after vaccination. Mailing folds, minor stains on the left, else good condition. In May 1881, Pasteur performed a famous public experiment at Pouilly-le-Fort to demonstrate his concept of vaccination. He prepared two groups of 25 sheep, one goat and several cows. The animals of one group were twice injected, with an interval of 15 days, with an anthrax vaccine prepared by Pasteur; a control group was left unvaccinated. Thirty days after the first injection, both groups were injected with a culture of live anthrax bacteria. All the animals in the non-vaccinated group died, while all of the animals in the vaccinated group survived. The public reception was sensational.
Price: $ 1,750 / € 1.600
Pasteur, Louis (1822 -1895)
Autograph letter signed
French chemist and microbiologist, popularly known as the "father of microbiology". Autograph letter signed “L. Pasteur”. 1p., 5.25 x 8.0 inch, bifolium, Paris, 1886 October 26. To Lucien VIARD, member of the Board of Directors of Crédit Foncier de France. Letter regarding his recommendation. In French: “… pour un poste de garçon de bureau, d'Eugène Loye… Il est mon compatriote jurassien, paraît très honnête et très docile.” Translated: “… for a post as an office boy, Eugène Loye… He is my compatriot from the Jura, seems very honest and very docile.” Mailing fold, else fine condition.
Price: $ 1,320 / € 1.200
Pasteur, Louis (1822 -1895)
Autograph letter signed
French chemist and microbiologist, popularly known as the "father of microbiology". Autograph letter signed “L. Pasteur”. 1p., 4.5 x 3.5 inch, Card embossed 45. Rue D’Ulm (crossed out by Pasteur). Arbois (Jura), 1887, (août) August 17. To Lucien VIARD, member of the Board of Directors of Crédit Foncier de France. Pasteur asks for "a printed sheet of the conditions of admission to the offices of Crédit Foncier". In French: “… une feuille imprimée des conditions d'admission dans les bureaux du Crédit Foncier…”. Fine condition. The Maison de Louis Pasteur in Arbois, a town in the French department of Jura in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region, is the childhood home of the famous microbiologist.
Price: $ 1,320 / € 1.200
Planck, Max (1858-1947)
Autograph postcard signed re: Mendelssohn-Bartholdy letters
German theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, which won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918. Autograph postcard signed “M. Planck”. 1p., card, 5.75 x 4.25 inch, Berlin-Grunewald 1928 March 4. To mathematician Kurt Hensel (1861-1941), grandson of Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel (1805-1847), sister of composer Felix Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. In German, in full: „Ich bitte Sie um eine kurze Auskunft. Vor vielen Jahren las ich mit großem Interesse Jugendbriefe von Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy an Mitglieder seiner Familie, und möchte dieselben jetzt an jemand verschenken. Nun kennt aber keine Buchhandlung dieses Werk, und ich weiß mir keinen besseren Rat, als Sie zu fragen, unter welchem Titel man sich das Buch anschaffen kann. Sie würden mich durch eine gefällige Antwort zu großem Dank verpflichten“. Translated: “… Many years ago I read with great interest Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy's youthful letters to members of his family and would now like to give them to someone as a gift. But no bookstore knows this work, and I can't think of any better advice than to ask you under what title I can buy the book…”. Fine condition.
Price: $ 1,375 / € 1.250
Planck, Max (1858-1947)
Autograph postcard signed WW II. dated
German theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, which won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918. Autograph postcard signed “Max Planck”. 1p., card, 5.75 x 4.0 inch, Berlin 1943 July 4. To Georg und Lotte Lenz in Hamburg. Thank you card regarding his 85. Birthday. In German, in full: “Lieber Georg u. liebe Lotte! Den freundlichen Glückwunsch zu meinem 85. Geburtstag habe ich empfangen und sage dafür meinen tiefgefühlten Dank. Herzlich grüßt Euch Euer treuer Onkel.“ Address page with abrasions, handling wear, else good condition. Georg Lenz in Hamburg, son of his friend and distant relative, the Berlin historian Max Lenz (1850-1932).
Price: $ 990 / € 900
Ramsay, William (1852-1916)
Important autograph letter signed “… argon passes through iron”
Scottish chemist who discovered the noble gases and received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1904. Autograph letter signed “W. Ramsay”. Written on a postcard, 3.5 x 5.5 inch, Paris, 1895 April 2. In full: “Dear Sir, Thanks for your letter. I have had my eye on Gratams observation for some time, but have had no time to repeat it. Your letter will bring me to this scratch; & it may prove a good means of separation. My impression is that argon passes through iron, but it is not proved. I think I lost a lot in using iron tubar; & I have always intended to repeat it & to use platinum, but I have not had time as yet. There is too much to do. Believe me.” Card is addressed on verso in Ramsay’s hand to “Anshby Esq. Grammar School”. Two folds, handling and corner wear, mounting residue on verso, else good condition. On the evening of 19 April 1894 Ramsay attended a lecture given by Lord Rayleigh. Rayleigh had noticed a discrepancy between the density of nitrogen made by chemical synthesis and nitrogen isolated from the air by removal of the other known components. After a short conversation he and Ramsay decided to investigate this. In August Ramsay told Rayleigh he had isolated a new, heavy component of air, which did not appear to have any chemical reactivity. He named this inert gas "argon". A handwritten letter mentioning argon is of great rarity.
Price: $ 990 / € 900
Virchow, Rudolf (1821-1902)
Autograph letter signed
German physician, anthropologist, pathologist, prehistorian, biologist, writer, editor, and politician. Known as "the father of modern pathology". Autograph letter signed “R. Virchow”. 1p., bifolium, 5.5 x 8.75 inch, Berlin 1894 February 28. The letter is nearly impossible to read. In German: “Verehrter Herr Luther, Besten Dank für die übersandten … Es ist ein richtiger Fall von einer Leukämie. … die Lehren von … genannt. Der … Herr wird noch von mir gegrüßt werden. Besten Gruß”. Mailing folds, handling wear, else fine condition.
Price: $ 990 / € 900
Wayne, John (1907-1979)
Signed page from a menu
Marion Mitchell Morrison, better known by his stage name John Wayne, was an American film actor, director, producer, academy award-winner and American icon. A large folio printed page, 11.25 x 15.5 inch, n.p. (Tokyo), heavy paper, signed and inscribed by Wayne in black felt tip pen “Eddie Good Luck John Wayne” and dated 23/3/74 in another hand. Large and impressive signature. The page is for a menu from Maxim's restaurant in the Sony Building, Tokyo, featuring a typically Belle Epoque printed colour image of diners and waiters by the French caricaturist Georges Goursat (Sem). The menu also bears a few other signatures by other unknown individuals. Handling wear, else good condition. Uncommon Wayne autograph.
Price: $ 715 / € 650
Wright, Frank Lloyd (1867-1959)
Typed letter signed re: presentation of his work
American architect, designer, writer, and educator. He designed more than 1,000 structures over a creative period of 70 years. Wright played a key role in the architectural movements of the twentieth century, influencing architects worldwide through his works and mentoring hundreds of apprentices in his Taliesin Fellowship. Typed letter signed “Frank Lloyd Wright”. 1p, 11.0 x 8.5 inch, n.p., 1952 June 22. On his “Taliesin” stationery and signed in blue ink. Addressed to Mr. Edgar Ende in Munich. In full: “Dear Herr Ende: I too regret not being present at what they all tell me was a remarkably fine presentation of my work. Stonorov was an able representative and we did not want to tax you with more. My best to you, to Munich, and to your Germany”. Mailing folds, punch holes, slightly discolored, else good condition.
Price: $ 1,760 / € 1.600
Zeppelin, Ferdinand Graf von (1838-1917)
Excellent signed photograph
German general and later aircraft manufacturer. He founded the Zeppelin airship company. Signed postcard photograph “Gf. Zeppelin”. Postcard, 3.5 x 5.5 inch, n.p., n.d. (postmark illegible). His facsimile signature appears below the image, and the reverse bears a German message in another hand. Probably very slightly trimmed, handling wear, else in fine condition. One of the finest signed photos I have sold in the past years.
Price: $ 1,265 / € 1.150
Zeppelin, Ferdinand Graf von (1838-1917)
Fine letter signed
German general and later aircraft manufacturer. He founded the Zeppelin airship company. Letter signed “Gf. Zeppelin”. 1p., 7.5 x 9.0 inch, Friedrichshafen, 1909 October 12. On his personal „Graf F. von Zeppelin“ letterhead. Addressed to Kurt Engelbrecht in Bielefeld. Zeppelin rejects a request for employment in his company. In German, in parts: ”… ich mich auf das Schreiben vom 10. ds. Mts. ergebenst zu verweisen, daß die auf dem Gebiete der Elektrotechnik vorkommenden Aufgaben von meinen … erledig werden; - ich kann Ihnen daher zu meinem Bedauern keine Aussicht auf Anstellung in meinem Betriebe bieten.” With light soiling and intersecting folds, else good condition.
Price: $ 880 / € 800