
Andersen, Hans Christian (1805-1875)

Document signed matted with photograph

Danish author. Although a prolific writer of plays, travelogues, novels, and poems, he is best remembered for his literary fairy tales. His most famous fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Princess and the Pea", "The Snow Queen” and so on. Document signed “H.C. Andersen”. 1p., 4.0 x 3.25 inch (visible), Copenhagen, 1847 January 16. In Andersen’s hand: „Oldenborg fra hans trofaste H. C. Andersen. Kjobenh: 16 Jan 1847”. Very likely a page from a book. Translated: “Oldenburg by his faithful H. C. Andersen, Copenhagen: 16 January 1847”. Handsomely matted in gray with a fine photograph of Andersen to an overall of 11.75 x 7.75 inch. Both items removable affixed with photo corners. Autograph with handling wear, else fine condition. On January 16, 1847, Andersen sent out several dedicated copies of his newly published Collected Works. This is most likely one of those book pages. Excellent display item!

Price: $ 2,640 / € 2.400



Barrie, James M. (1860-1937)

Autograph letter signed with Peter Pan reference

Scottish novelist and playwright, best remembered today as the creator of Peter Pan. Autograph letter signed. 1p., card, 4.5 x 3.5 inch, Lancaster Gate, 13 Dec., no year. To a Mrs. Pogson. In full: "Dear Mrs Pogson, There will be nothing doing on Friday evening on Peter Pan except odds & ends with a Manchester company. Our dress rehearsals will be on Saty from 6pm onwards (probably late in beginning) so come there instead if possible, I shall be there. Will tell Chris in front of house that you are to come in.” In fine condition. 

Price: $ 1,210 / € 1.100



Beecher Stowe, Harriet (1811-1896)

Autograph quotation signed “Trust in the Lord …”

American abolitionist and author. She came from a famous religious family and is best known for her novel Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852). Fine autograph quotation signed “Trust in the Lord And do good from Harriet Beecher Stowe March 7. 1888”. Card, 3.0 x 2.0 inch, n.p., 1888 March 7. The card is mounted on a beautiful engraving of Beecher Stowe by T. Johnson to an overall size of 7.5 x 11.0 inch. Card has a stain and a corner bend, engraving is fine. Excellent display item with a fine quotation that she often used.

Price: $ 770 / € 700



Björnson, Björnstjerne (1832-1910)

Autograph postcard signed (Nobel Prize Literature)

Norwegian writer who received the 1903 Nobel Prize in Literature. Autograph postcard signed “Björnson”. 1p, postcard, 5.5 x 3.5 inch, n.p., n.d. To the publisher of the "Future", O. Häring, in Berlin regarding a fee. In German: “Haben Sie die Güte Freiherr von Enzberg (Friedenau) aus meinem Honorar zu zahlen. Nicht wenig!“ Handling wear, else good condition.

Price: $ 330 / € 300



Björnson, Björnstjerne (1832-1910)

Autograph letter signed (Nobel Prize Literature)

Norwegian writer who received the 1903 Nobel Prize in Literature. Autograph letter signed “Björnstjerne Björnson”. 1p, 8.75 x 5.5 inch (unfolded), n.p., n.d. To the publisher of the "Future", O. Häring, in Berlin regarding a fee. In German: “Sie brauchen mir es auch nicht zu schicken. Ich habe so große Freude daran in „die Zukunft“ zu sagen, was ich da gesagt habe, dass ich diese Freude nicht verdorben haben will durch ein Honorar auf 10 – zehn – mark. Die anderen zehn nimmt nämlich mein übersetzer“. Slightly stained, two minor holes repaired with paper on verso, else good condition.

Price: $ 330 / € 300



Blyton, Enid (1897-1968)

German first edition signed

English children's writer whose books have been among the world's best-sellers since the 1930s. Signed book “Love from Enid Blyton”. Hardcover book “Die Farrellkinder” (Original title: House at the corner), 5.0 x 7.5 inch, n.p., n.d. German First edition, Verlag Die Boje, Stuttgart, 1954. Signed in blue ballpoint pen. Handling wear, pages slightly discolored, two numbers in felt tip pen written on the first page, else good condition. Books signed by Blyton are rather uncommon.

Price: $ 330 / € 300



Böll, Heinrich (1917-1985)

Photograph signed and card signed

One of Germany's foremost post-World War II. writers. Böll was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1972. Vintage glossy photograph signed “Heinrich Böll”. 6.25 x 8.25 inch, n.p., 1972 March 28 (stamp on verso and the year he awarded the Nobel Prize). A large black and white photograph of Böll holding a cigarette. Also included is a thank you card with a PRINTED text and a handwritten thank you note by Böll “Mit herzlichem Dank Heinrich Böll” at the bottom. Photograph in fine condition, card slightly discolored and with handling wear.

Price: $ 495 / € 450



Busch, Wilhelm (1832-1908)

Autograph note signed

German humorist, poet, illustrator and painter. Autograph note signed “Wilh Busch”. Card, 3.5 x 2.0 inch, n.p., n.d (Dec. 1888). Fine handwritten note regarding the occasion of Anna Meyer's engagement to Wilhelm Schönfeld in Stadthagen on December 15, 1888. In Busch’s hand: “Zur Verlobung Ihrer Frl. Tocher meine herzlichsten Glückwünsche.“ Translated: “My warmest congratulations on the engagement of your daughter”. Card is mounted to a collage with a photograph of Anna Meyer, a Busch portrait and illustrations with Busch characters. The collage is handsomely matted in gray with a fine high quality photo of Busch and Max & Moritz to an overall size of 11.75 x 7.75 inch. Both items (collage and photo) removable affixed with photo corners. Enclosed are two engagement cards from the father (Commercial Councilor Gerhard Meyer, 1835 - 1898) and the fiancé Wilhelm Schönfeld with date and location. Writing a little faded, else good condition. Engagement cards discolored and with some stains. Fine display piece!

Price: $ 1,430 / € 1.300



Busch, Wilhelm (1832-1908)

Autograph poem signed

German humorist, poet, illustrator and painter. Autograph poem signed “W.B.”. 3 pages, 4.5 x 7.0 inch, (Mechtshausen), (1902), June 14. Five lines in pencil from Busch at the end of a letter from an admirer. In German, in full: “Wie er vor- und zubenannt, Schreibt, wie folgt, mit eigner Hand W.B. 14. Juni”. The Busch admirer Walter Pissin, Berlin had asked the famous artist for an autograph in his three-page autograph letter. It is known that Busch did not answer every request for an autograph and Walter Pissin was lucky that he could get Busch to write this little poem. This autograph comes from Busch's personal correspondence filing and shows the effort he made with inquiries of this kind. Mailing fold, else fine condition.


Price: $ 1,265 / € 1.150



Busch, Wilhelm (1832-1908)

Autograph note signed “Photo session”

German humorist, poet, illustrator and painter. Autograph note signed “W.B.”. 3 pages, bifolium, 6.0 x 7.5 inch, (Mechtshausen), 1907 March 9. Busch’s note at the end of a letter from the photographer Filip Kester in Berlin. Handwritten by Busch in pencil: “den 12ten oder 19ten März bestimmt. W.B. 9ter März“. Interesting document regarding a photo session. In his letter of March 6, 1907, the Berlin journalist and photographer Filip Kester (1873-1958) asked Wilhelm Busch if he could photograph him. He introduces himself as a photographer who has become so well known that the pictures he has taken have been published in various magazines ... Kester further promises to take the pictures in such a way that he does not disturb Busch ... At the end of the letter Wilhelm Busch noted the possible dates and the date of his answer. This autograph comes from Busch's personal correspondence filing. Provenance: Otto Nöldecke, Nephew of Wilhelm Busch. Mailing fold else fine condition.

Price: $ 935 / € 850



Cocteau, Jean (1889-1963)

Autograph letter signed

French poet, playwright, novelist, designer, filmmaker, visual artist and critic. Autograph letter signed “Jean Cocteau”. 1p., 5.25 x 8.25 inch, 1962 June 11. A fine handwritten letter from Jean Cocteau's correspondence with composer Yves Claoué (1927-2001) as part of the creation of their oratorio Patmos which will be presented at the Château de Versailles in May 1962. In French, in parts: “… mais il est possible que je change quelques passages, entre guillemets - sans que cela ne change rien à ton œuvre…”. Cocteau asks Claoué to bring him the typed text of the oratorio so that he can make it publishable, specifying that he will keep his order: "… but it is possible that I change a few passages, between quotes - without that changing nothing in your work…”. Mailing fold, handling wear, else good condition.

Price: $ 495 / € 450



Dickens, Charles (1812-1870)

Excellent autograph letter signed 

English writer and social critic. He created some of the world's best-known fictional characters and is regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era. Autograph letter signed “Charles Dickens”. 2 pages, bifolium, written on first page and third page inside. On his embossed “Gads Hill Place, Higham by Rochester, Kent” stationery. Saturday, 13 (Thirteenth) December 1865. To C. R Smith Esquire. In full: “I have been absent for a day; otherwise I would have answered your letter immediately. I regret that I cannot enter into the merits of miss Waghorns’ case, or urge upon any member of the government her appeal for a pension. Apart from the fact that the services of her late brother (Lieutenant Thomas Waghorn) are upon record in public offices, and that I can add nothing to the general knowledge of them. I am withheld of  the consideration that I have within this year signed two or three memorials for pensions in consideration of claims with which I am personally or professionally acquainted. Those cases are still pending, and while they remain so, I should not consider it reasonable to urge others. Even thought they came within the same category in which Miss Waghon’s does not. Some years ago, as conductor of Household Words I urged the services and claims attaching to Lieutenant Waghorn’s, as you remember”. Mailing folds, slightly discolored at the bottom of the first page, minor mounting residue on verso, else good condition.Thomas Fletcher Waghorn (1800-1850) was an English sailor, navy officer, and postal pioneer who promoted and claimed the idea of a new route from Great Britain to India overland through Egypt prior to the development of the Suez Canal. Household Words was an English weekly magazine edited by Charles Dickens in the 1850s. It took its name from the line in Shakespeare's Henry V: "Familiar in his mouth as household words."

Price: $ 3,080 / € 2.800



Dumas (père), Alexandre (1802-1870)

Carte de visite photograph signed

French novelist of such historical classics as The Count of Monte Cristo, The Three Musketeers and The Man in the Iron Mask. Carte de visite photograph signed “Al. Dumas”. 2.5 x 4.5 inch, n.p., n.d. Photograph featuring an oval image of Dumas in a head and shoulders pose. Photograph by Pierre Petit, Paris as printed on verso. Signed in bold black fountain pen ink to the lower border. Upper left corner very slightly clipped with small toning stain to the upper edge, otherwise good condition.

Price: $ 2,200 / € 2.000



Dumas (père), Alexandre (1802-1870)

Autograph note signed

French novelist of such historical classics as The Count of Monte Cristo, The Three Musketeers and The Man in the Iron Mask. Autograph note signed “Alex Dumas”. 1p., 9.0 x 3.75 inch, n.p., n.d. A fine  note in French written and signed in dark black ink. Handling wear, else good condition.

Price: $ 660 / € 600



French Literature / Paul Claudel & Marcel Achard

Portraits signed

Paul Claudel (1868-1955) was a French poet, dramatist and diplomat and the younger brother of the sculptress Camille Claudel. Fine magazine page signed “a Madame Val Claudel”. 1p., 8.0 x 10.5 inch, n.p., n.d. Signed in dark black ink. Marcel Achard (1899-1974) was a French playwright and screenwriter whose popular sentimental comedies maintained his position as a highly recognizable name in his country's theatrical and literary circles for five decades. Fine magazine page signed “très cordialment Marcel Achard”. 1p., 8.0 x 10.5 inch, n.p., n.d. Signed in dark blue ink. Both magazine pages in fine condition.

Price: $ 165 / € 150



Gide, André (1869-1951)

Typed letter signed by the winner of the Nobel Prize

French author and winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1947. Typed letter signed “Andre Gidé”. 2pp. (bifolium), 4.5 x 7.0 inch, Cuverville, n.d. (1927). To Gustave Pigot, director de la revue Le Capitole. Fine untranslated letter in French, in full: “Pour l’amour du ciel, laissez B. tranquille. Il s’amuse de vous et de moi. Je me mordais les doigts de l’avoir sollicité, et suis extrèmement heureux qu’ill s’abstienne; et d’autent plus que sa défection va permettre la collaboration de Valéry. Si donc maintenant, se ravisant, il vous envoie le manuscrit, ayez le courage de le lui renvoyer en lui disant: “trop tard”, la première place est promise. Aviez-vous déjà payé?? Je consen à vous couvrir cette fausse avance. Vous n’avez rien à répondre à Rouveyre, avec qui j’ai correspond. Laissez tomber cela. Pour Valéry, laissez-moi faire. et Jaloux? Vous ne me dites rien de Giraudoux. Ni de Mauriac, ni de Thibaudet, don’t vous annoncez la collaboration d’une manière peut-etre un peu imprudente, avant d’avoir recu leur “copie”. Et pour quoi mettre sue l’annonce “Etudes complement”, qui est “complètement” ridicule. Et “des documents rares” … Qu’entendez-vous pa là? Persuadez – vous que ces inutiles battages mècontentent les lecteurs autent que moi. Au revoir et croyez à mes sentiments bien cordiaux.” Mailing fold, handling wear, else fine condition.

Price: $ 440 / € 400



Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749-1832)

Broadsheet of his poem signed

German writer, scientist, and philosopher who takes a place among the central intellectual and artistic figures of his day. "Man's days are intertwined" - a poem by Goethe. Broadsheet of his poem “Am Acht und zwanzigsten August 1826 (On the eight and twentieth of August, 1826)”. Exellent signed in black ink “Goethe” and additional the place in his hand “Weimar”. One page, Jena: Fromann 1826 bzw. „Weimar“. 5.75 x 8.5 inch, watermark “J Whatman”. There are two variants of this broadsheet known, one with a floral border as this one, the other has an arrow motif border, Hagen 456. Goethe used these sheets to thank his closest friends for their birthday wishes. Here on the occasion of his 77th birthday. The printed poem begins: "Des Menschen Tage sind verflochten (Man's days are intertwined). Minor mounting residue on two corners on verso, else fine condition. Goedeke IV/3, 518 (272). Hagen 456. Kippenberg I, 103. Wilpert/Gühring 141 bzw. 134. 

Price: $ 8,250 / € 7.500



Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749-1832)

Document signed

German writer, scientist, and philosopher who takes a place among the central intellectual and artistic figures of his day. Document signed “Goethe”. 1p., 8.0 x 13.25 inch, Weimar 1780 October 13. Goethe as chairman of the “Fürstl: Sächs.: Kriegs-Commission”, signs a discharge certificate for a recruit. In German, in full: “Dem Stadt Rathe, hierselbst, wird andurch nachrichtlich bekannt gemacht, daß von fürstl. Sächs. Kriegs-Commißion allh. (ier) auf geziemendes Nachsuchen, die gänzlich Entlaßung des Recruten Johann Friedrich Meißner, allh. von seinem zeitherigen Militar Engagement resolviret und selbigem der Laufpaß bereits abgenommen worden; es hat demnach Eingangs bemeldter Stadt-Rath genannten Meißner in der Recruten-Liste zu deliren“. Countersigned „von Volgstaedt”. Bottom left a note in unknown hand “583./ praes. d. 18. Octbrs. 1780” and a second note “Goethe signature”. From 1777, Goethe's official activities extended to the renewal of the Ilmenau mining industry and from 1779 to the chairmanship of two permanent commissions, the road construction commission and the war commission (Kriegs-Commission), with responsibility for recruiting recruits for the Weimar army. Left edge slightly trimmed, mailing fold, minor paper loss lower right edge, handling wear, else good condition. 

Price: $ 6,325 / € 5.750



Gorky, Maxim (1868-1936)

Excellent signature on a card

Russian and Soviet writer and a founder of the socialist realism literary method, a political activist and also a five-time nominee for the Nobel Prize in Literature. Signed card “M. Gorki” and additional in his hand “9.10.24 Sorrento”, written in dark blue ink and Cyrillic. 5.0 x 3.25 inch, Sorrento (Italy), 1924 October 9. Together with a fine and large portrait, 8.25 x 10.5 inch, Hofkunstverleger G. Heuer & Kirmse, Berlin-Halensee. Card in fine condition, portrait slightly discolored, else fine. Perfect example of a Gorky signature.

Price: $ 1,595 / € 1.450



Grimm, Jacob (1785-1863) & Grimm, Wilhelm (1786-1859)

Rare document signed by both

The Brothers Grimm were German academics who together collected and published folklore. The brothers are among the best-known storytellers of folktales, popularizing stories such as "Cinderella", "The Frog Prince”, "Hansel and Gretel", "Town Musicians of Bremen", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Rumpelstiltskin", "Sleeping Beauty" and "Snow White". Their first collection of folktales, Children's and Household Tales was first published in 1812. Rare document signed by both “Jac. Grimm” and “Wilh. Grimm”. 1p., 8.0 x 12.75 inch, (Göttingen), 1837 October 20. Endorsement under an academic circular of F. Ch. Bergman (1785-1845). Additional signed by Friedrich Christoph Dahlman, Wilhelm Eduard Albrecht, Georg Gottfried Gervinus, Wilhelm Eduard Weber and Heinrich Georg August Ewald (“The Göttinger Seven”). And signed by 43 other professors. Mailing fold, minor handling wear, else good condition. The Göttingen Seven (German: Göttinger Sieben) were a group of seven liberal professors at University of Göttingen. In 1837, they protested against the annulment of the constitution of the Kingdom of Hanover by its new ruler, King Ernest Augustus, and refused to swear an oath to the king. The company of seven was led by historian Friedrich Christoph Dahlmann, who himself was one of the key advocates of the previous constitution. The other six were the Germanist brothers Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm, jurist Wilhelm Eduard Albrecht, historian Georg Gottfried Gervinus, physicist Wilhelm Eduard Weber, and theologian and orientalist Heinrich Georg August Ewald. Rare document signed by the brothers Grimm and The Göttinger Seven.

Price: $ 5,225 / € 4.750



Hauptmann, Gerhart (1862-1946)

Uncommon early postcard portrait signed

German dramatist and novelist. He is counted among the most important promoters of literary naturalism, though he integrated other styles into his work as well. He received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1912. Postcard portrait signed “Gerhart Hauptmann” and dated in his hand “Rovio d 26.4.99.”. Postcard, 5.5 x 4.0 inch, signed and dated in purple ink, a fine 1899 postcard reproducing an engraved portrait of Hauptmann. The portrait (by Hans Weyl, 1899) is captioned with Hauptmann's name, misspelled “Gerhard”, he has corrected this in the same purple ink. The verso of the card, addressed in another hand, is stamped and postmarked at Rovio, Switzerland the day it was signed. It has been mounted on a slightly larger piece of card, with a window cut in the verso displaying most of the verso of the postcard. One corner of the window frame has a postmarked stamp commemorating Hauptmann, this was issued in 1950. Minor handling wear, else good condition.

Price: $ 330 / € 300



Herrmann-Neisse, Max (1886-1941)

Two poems and three cards signed

German expressionist writer. (1) Two autograph poems “Frage an das neue Leben” and “Absage ans vergangene Jahr”. 2 pages, recto and verso, 7.0 x 9.0 inch, n.p., n.d. UNSIGNED. (2) Autograph postcard signed “Max Herrmann”, Berlin, 1930 October 29. A fine card with a George Grosz portrait of Herrmann-Neisse. (3) Autograph postcard signed “Max Herrmann(=Neisse), Berlin, 1921 January 16. (4) Autograph card signed “Max Herrmann”, Berlin, 1932 January 16. Handling wear, else good condition. Fine collection!

Price: $ 660 / € 600



Hofmannsthal, Hugo von (1874-1929)

Autograph verse signed

Austrian novelist, librettist, poet, dramatist, narrator and essayist. Autograph verse signed “Hofmannsthal”. Card, 4.5 x 3.5 inch, n.p., n.d. (about 1905). A fine handwritten verse in Hofmannsthal’s hand: “Wir sind aus solchem Zeug wie das zu träumen...”. Minor handling wear, else fine condition. This verse is the motto of the poem with the same name. The Poems in “Terzine” is a group of four poems by Hugo von Hofmannsthal from the summer of 1894.  “Wir sind aus solchem Zeug wie das zu träumen” is one of the four. On July 27, 1894 the poem (translated: "We are made of such stuff as to dream...") came to the fair copy. This line, also noted by Hofmannsthal as the motto for the poem, comes from Shakespeare's play "The Tempest".

Price: $ 880 / € 800



Hugo, Victor (1802-1885)

Autograph letter signed

French poet, novelist, and dramatist of the Romantic movement. He is considered one of the greatest and best-known French writers. Outside France, his best-known works are the novels Les Misérables, 1862 and Notre-Dame de Paris, 1831 (known in English as The Hunchback of Notre-Dame). Autograph letter signed “Victor Hugo”. 1p., bifolium, 4.75 x 7.0 inch, n.p., 16 7bre, no year (September 9) and about 1850. To an unknown author who sent him his work. In French: „Je m'empresse, Monsieur, d'avoir l'honneur de vous remercier, je lirai avec le plus vif intérêt l'ouvrage que vous voulez bien m'en voyer et que votre suffrage recommande hautement à mes yeux. je connais, Monsieur, vos beaux travaux et votre esprit élevé, et je suis heureux à cette occasion de vous offrir la vive assurance de mes sentiments les plus distingués.“ Translated: “Sir, I have the honor of thanking you, I shall read with the keenest interest the work which you kindly send me and which your vote highly recommends to me. I know, Sir, your fine works and your high spirit, and I am happy on this occasion to offer you the strong assurance of my most distinguished feelings”. Mailing folds, else fine condition.

Price: $ 1,430 / € 1.300



Hugo, Victor (1802-1885)

Autograph letter signed

French poet, novelist, and dramatist of the Romantic movement. He is considered one of the greatest and best-known French writers. Outside France, his best-known works are the novels Les Misérables, 1862 and Notre-Dame de Paris, 1831 (known in English as The Hunchback of Notre-Dame). Autograph letter signed “Victor Hugo”. 1p., 4.0 x 6.25 inch, Veules, 12 7bre 1880 (September 5, 1880). To Monsieur Lhommede in Paris. In French, in full: “Votre lettre, monsieur, et votre envoi, m’ont inspiré un vif interet. Je serai charmé de vous voir et de causer avec vous. Paris convient a cela. Venez, a partir du 18 7bre, le jour que vous voudrez a 9h1/2 du soir. Vous serez le très bien venu et le tres bien recu. Agreez je vous prie, l’assurance de mes sentiments distingués.” Translated: “Your letter, sir, and your despatch, have inspired me with keen interest. I shall be charmed to see you and to talk with you. Paris suits this. Come, from 18 7 bre, the day you want at 9:30 in the evening. You will be very welcome and very well received. Please accept the assurance of my distinguished sentiments.” Mailing fold, else fine condition. Hugo arrived at Veules-les-roses on Saturday August 21, 1880 by train at the home of his friend Paul MEURICE, with whom he came to spend a few summer stays in 1879.

Price: $ 1,430 / € 1.300



Ibsen, Henrik (1828-1906)

Rare cabinet-card-photograph signed

Norwegian playwright, poet and theatre director. Rare cabinet-card-photograph signed “Henrik Ibsen”. 4.25 x 6.5 inch, n.p., n.d. (1902 noted in pencil on verso). Photo by Nyblin, Christiania. A fine photo of Ibsen with top hat and cane. Some scratches and the upper left corner slightly damaged, else good condition.

Price: $ 2,750 / € 2.500



Kästner, Erich (1899-1974)

Signature matted with photograph

German author, poet, screenwriter and satirist, known primarily for his humorous, socially astute poetry and children's literature. For the latter contributions he received the Hans Christian Andersen Award in 1960. Signature “Erich Kästner”. 1p., 4.0 x 1.75 inch, n.p., n.d. Removed from the book “”Die verschwundene Miniatur”. Handsomely photo corner matted in gray with a photograph of Kästner to an overall of 7.75 x 11.75 inch. Fine.

Price: $ 200 / € 180



Lagerlöf, Selma (1858-1940)

Autograph letter signed

Swedish author. She was the first female writer to win the Nobel Prize in Literature and is best remembered for her children's book “The Wonderful Adventures of Nils Holgersson”. Autograph letter signed “Selma Lagerlöf”. Postcard, 4.0 x 5.75 inch, Stockholm, 1928 May 19. Addressed on verso in Lagerlöf’s hand to Mr. Gohlke in Breslau. Lagerlöf apologizes that she cannot provide anything unprinted for the October issue. In German, in full: “Entschuldigen Sie, bitte, dass ich so lange verschoben habe, Ihre freundliche Bitte um einen Beitrag für Ihr Oktoberheft zu beantworten. Leider habe ich nichts bisher ungedrucktes, das ich senden könnte, und meine Zeit ist so furchtbar ausgenommen, dass es mir ganz unmöglich ist, etwas neues für Ihre Rechnung zu schreiben. In vorzüglicher Hochachtung.“ Vertical bend on the left, mounting residue on verso, handling wear, else good condition.

Price: $ 660 / € 600



Lessing, Theodor (1872-1933)

Autograph postcard twice signed

German Jewish philosopher. On the night of 30 August 1933, he was assassinated by Sudeten German Nazi sympathizers. Autograph postcard signed “Lessing”. Postcard, 4.25 x 5.75 inch, Seewalchen am Attersee (Austria), no date (poststamp illegible). Return address: „Prof Lessing (second signature) Seewalchen am Attersee beim Holzinger“. Addressed in Lessing’s hand to: “Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schöndorfer in Steyr” regarding an appointment. In German, in full: “Sehr geehrter Herr Professor. Ich muss am 15ten Juli über Salzburg heimfahren. Ich würde Sie sehr gerne sehn. Wenn Sie bis dahin schon hier sind, so komme ich gern nach Vöcklabruck hinüber; ich weiss nicht wie weit es bis Steyr ist; vielleicht auch könnten wir uns in der Mitte treffen. Verzeihen Sie dass ich erst heute sicher antworten konnte. Viele frohe Grüße“. Handling and corner wear, else good condition.


Price: $ 550 / € 500



Mann, Thomas (1875-1955)

Signed books/ TWO Volumes both signed “The Magic Mountain”

German novelist, short story writer, social critic, philanthropist, essayist and 1929 Nobel laureate. Two volumes of the literary classic and Thomas Mann’s masterpiece. Both volumes signed “Thomas Mann”. Volume One and Volume Two of “The Magic Mountain” (Der Zauberberg). Hardcover, Alfred A. Knopf New York 1938. Octavo (5.5 x 7.75 inch), English, First and second volume of the two Volume edition reissued February 1938. Translated from the German by H.T. Lowe-Porter. Both signed by Mann in dark black ink. Discolored, handling wear, else good condition. The Magic Mountain is a novel by Thomas Mann, first published in German in November 1924. It is widely considered to be one of the most influential works of twentieth-century German literature.

Price: $ 1,760 / € 1.600



Mann, Thomas (1875-1955)

Book signed “Three Essays”

German novelist, short story writer, social critic, philanthropist, essayist and 1929 Nobel laureate. Book signed “Three Essays”. Hardcover, Alfred A. Knopf Inc., New York 1932, octavo (5.25 x 7.75 inch), English, translated by H.T. Lowe-Porter. Signed by Mann in dark black ink. Discolored, handling wear, else good condition.

Price: $ 770 / € 700



Mann, Thomas (1875-1955)

Book signed “Past Masters”

German novelist, short story writer, social critic, philanthropist, essayist and 1929 Nobel laureate. Book signed “Past Masters and other papers”. Hardcover, Alfred A. Knopf Inc. 1933 Printed in Great Britain, octavo (5.25 x 7.5 inch), English, translated by H.T. Lowe-Porter. Signed by Mann in dark black ink. Water stained front and back cover inside, discolored, handling wear, else good condition. 

Price: $ 770 / € 700



Mann, Thomas (1875-1955)

Book signed “Joseph and his Brothers”

German novelist, short story writer, social critic, philanthropist, essayist and 1929 Nobel laureate. Book signed “Joseph and his Brothers”. Hardcover, Alfred A. Knopf Inc. 1936, fourth printing April 1936, octavo (5.5 x 7.75 inch), English, translated from the German for the first time by H.T. Lowe-Porter. Signed by Mann in dark black ink. Some pages minor water stained at the top and bottom, discolored, handling wear, else good condition. 

Price: $ 770 / € 700



Mann, Thomas (1875-1955)

Book signed “Young Joseph”

German novelist, short story writer, social critic, philanthropist, essayist and 1929 Nobel laureate. Book signed “Young Joseph”. Hardcover, Alfred A. Knopf Inc., New York 1935, octavo (5.25 x 7.75 inch), English, translated by H.T. Lowe-Porter. Signed by Mann in dark black ink. Small note erased at the top of the signature page (page slightly abraded), discolored, handling wear, else good condition.

Price: $ 770 / € 700



May, Karl (1842-1912)

One of a kind autograph note signed re: Hadschi Halef Omar/ Apaches

A popular German writer, noted mainly for adventure novels set in the American Old West. Best known for the characters of Winnetou and Old Shatterhand. Wonderful autograph note signed. Karl May Postcard No. 9, Verlag v. Fr. Ernst Fehsenfeld, Freiburg iBr. 3.5 x 5.5 inch, Oberlössnitz/ Radebeul, 1899 January 12 (postmark). In German: “Ich sende Ihnen mein Bild. Gehe in einigen Tagen nach Arabien zu Hadschi Halef Omar und danach nach Amerika zu meinen Apatschen. Dr. Karl May“. Translated: “I am sending you my picture. In a few days I'm going to Arabia to see Hadschi Halef Omar and then to America to see my Apaches. Dr. Karl May”. Addressed in his hand to “Herrn Seminarist III. Klasse, F. Trapp in Ober Glogau, Kr. Neustadt, Ob(er) Schlesien“. Slightly discolored, handling wear, else good condition. May signed the card “Dr. Karl May” The title that May supposedly acquired at the University of Rouen later turned out to be a fabrication. The statement that he is going to Arabia is true. In 1899-1900 he undertook a long trip to the Orient. May did not make his first trip to America until 1908, at the age of 66. But he only visited the states of New York and Massachusetts on the east coast. He didn't see any "Indians/ Apaches" or cowboys in the vastness of the prairie on his only trip to the USA. Surely the finest Karl May autograph you can hope to find.

Price: $ 3,025 / € 2.750



May, Karl (1842-1912)

Signed photograph

A popular German writer, noted mainly for adventure novels set in the American Old West. Best known for the characters of Winnetou and Old Shatterhand. Signed photograph “Karl May”. Postcard, 5.5 x 3.5 inch, Radebeul, 1905 March 6. (postmark on verso), dark black ink. Additional handwritten note by Karl May at the bottom, in German: “Herzlichen Dank für Ihre Glückwunschdepesche zum 25 Februar”. (May was born February 25, 1842). And at the top in Klara May’s hand: “Karl May am Zuge in Port Said (auf einer Sudanreise)”. Postcard is also addressed in Klara May’s hand on verso to “Herrn Ihringer in Karlsruhe Bad.” Handling wear, else good condition. Enclosed is a fine card of Klara May (1864-1944), second wife of Karl May and his estate administrator. Printed thank you card for congratulations on her 70th birthday, signed “Klara May”. Radebeul, July 1934. Handling wear, else good condition.

Price: $ 1,320 / € 1.200



Pasternak, Boris (1890-1960)

Fine autograph letter signed in English

Russian poet, novelist, composer, and literary translator. Pasternak was the author of Doctor Zhivago (1957) and awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1958. Fine autograph letter signed “B Pasternak”. 1p., 8.0 x 11.0 inch, 1959 July 12. Written in his characteristic purple ink. To “Dear and reverend Sir”. In English, in full: “I was unfeignedly sorry to learn (of) our mutual unsuccess. Please kindly accept this little reparation. I thankfully return you the cheque (I’ve torn the precedent), since it is unrealisable in our conditions and of no use for me. Pray believe in my profound and illimitated esteem”. Mailing folds, handling wear, else fine condition. Beautiful signature!

Price: $ 4,950 / € 4.500



Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de (1900-1944)

Rare book signed “VOL DE NUIT”

French writer, poet, aristocrat, journalist and pioneering aviator. He became a laureate of several of France's highest literary awards and also won the United States National Book Award. He is best remembered for his novella “The Little Prince (Le Petit Prince)”. Book signed “Antoine Exupéry”. Book “Vol de Nuit”. Softcover, 4.75 x 7.25 inch, unopened pages, Librairie Gallimard, Paris, 1931, 182 pages, preface André Gide. Dedicated in French in Saint-Exupéry’s hand “Pour Mademoiselle … En bien sympathique souvenir Antoine Exupéry”. The name of the dedication recipient has been erased. Book discolored, minor stains, handling wear, writing dark and fine.

Price: $ 2,145 / € 1.950



Sand, George (1804-1876)

Autograph letter signed

Amantine-Lucile-Aurore Dupin, best known by her pseudonym George Sand, a French novelist and memoirist. She is equally well known for her much publicized romantic affairs with a number of artists including composer Frédéric Chopin. Fine autograph letter signed “G Sand”. 1p., 5.0 x 8.0 inch, n.p., 1850 March 30. To the businessman Gabriel Falampin who was also artistic director of Illustration. She sends him the receipt for Mr. Delatouche and asks for the agreed ticket. In French, in parts: "Je suis guérie enfin de mon mal de tête. Mais il a fallu deux saignées (…) Faites-vous saigner aussi s’il n’y a pas d’autre moyen de guérison.” Extract from the Correspondence of Sand published by G. Lubin, volume XXV. Former collection of Colonel Daniel Sickles. Mailing folds, else fine condition.

Price: $ 495 / € 450



Tagore, Rabindranath (1861-1941)

Beautiful signed photograph

Bengali polymath who reshaped Bengali literature and music, as well as Indian art with Contextual Modernism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He became the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913. Photograph signed “Rabindranath Tagore”. 3.5 x 5.0 inch, n.p., n.d., black and white photo, signed in blue ink. Pencil notes and very minor mounting residue on verso, handling wear, else good condition.

Price: $ 2,090 / € 1.900



Verne, Jules (1828-1905)

Fine autograph letter signed “… your old unknown friend”

French novelist, poet, and playwright. Bestselling adventure novels including Journey to the Center of the Earth (1864), Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas (1870), and Around the World in Eighty Days (1872). Fine autograph letter signed “Jules Verne”. 1p., bifolium, 4.25 x 5.25 inch, Amiens, (18)91 April 20. To an unidentified correspondent. A kindly letter, evidently written in response to a request from a young lady to the famous and hugely popular author. In French, translated: “I think you must have a very good nurse in the person of Miss Mitzi Duschuh (?). She has asked me to write you a few words. I am doing so, telling you that you must get better, and as soon as possible, if you do not wish to be uncivil to this young lady who is all heart. Kindly present her with my compliments and assure her that I wish I could write in her language as well as she does in mine and believe me, your old unknown friend.” Slightly discolored, else good condition. Towards the end of his life, Verne served for many years as town councillor of Amiens. This does not appear to have hampered his literary output, which consisted of well over fifty novels and novellas.

Price: $ 3,200 / € 2.900



Voltaire, François-Marie Arouet (1694-1778)

Wonderful content letter signed

François-Marie Arouet known by his nom de plume Voltaire, a French Enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher famous for his wit, his attacks on the established Catholic Church and Christianity as a whole, and his advocacy of freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and separation of church and state. Wonderful letter signed “Voltaire”. 1 page, bifolium, 7.25 x 9.0 inch, Chateau de Ferney, Geneva 1761 October 30. Addressed to Monsieur D’Acarq in Paris, fine and complete wax seal on the second page of the bifolium. Written by his secretary Jean-Louis Wagnière (1739-1802) and signed at the end by Voltaire himself. In French, in full: “J´avais eu l´honneur de vous écrire, et de vous - remercier, Monsieur, de la première partie de votre grammaire; j´avais pris la liberté d´adresser ma letter à un homme qui devait la contresigner. Je suis faché qu´il vous en coute cette fois cy, un port de lettre, pour savoir que je vous estime beaucoup. C´est une chose dont vous devez être parfaittement instruit dès - longtemps, sans qu´il vous en coute rien. Il y a beaucoup à apprendre dans votre grammaire pour ceux même , qui croyent savoir beaucoup, et encore plus pour moi, qui fuis bien sûr de savoir très peu de chose. Je voudrais, - Monsieur, qu´il me fut aussi aisé de vous rendre service que de vous lire. Recevez mes ap(p)laudissements; et agréez les sentiments avec lesquels j´ai l´honneur d´être, Monsieur, votre très humble et très obéissant serviteur”. Translated: “I had the honor of writing and thanking you, Monsieur, for the first part of your grammar. I had taken the freedom of addressing my letter to a man to countersign it. I'm angry that you found it difficult this time to know that I appreciate you very much. That's something you can be perfectly sure of for a long time without costing you anything. There is much to learn in your grammar for even those who think they know a lot and even more for me who is sure he know very little. I wish, monsieur, that it might be given to me to be at your service instead of reading from you. Receive my applause. And embrace the feelings I'm honored with. Your humble and obedient.” Mailing folds, slightly discolored, minor stains, else good condition. Jean-Pierre D’Acarq (1717-1809) - “Grammaire françoise philosophique, ou Traité complet sur la physique, sur la métaphysique, & sur la rhétorique du langage qui règne parmi nous dans la société”, 1760-1761.

Price: $ 6,600 / € 6.000



Voltaire, François-Marie Arouet (1694-1778)

Letter signed

François-Marie Arouet known by his nom de plume Voltaire, a French Enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher famous for his wit, his attacks on the established Catholic Church and Christianity as a whole, and his advocacy of freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and separation of church and state. Letter signed “Voltaire”. 1 page, bifolium, 6.25 x 8.0 inch, Chateau de Ferney, Geneva 1773 April 20. Written by his secretary Jean-Louis Wagnière (1739-1802) and signed at the end by Voltaire himself. In French, in full: “Messieurs J'ai recu la Lettre dont vous m'avez honoré et les papiers que vous avez bien voulu y joindre agréez mes remerciements. J'ose compter sur les bontés et sur la protection de Son Altesse Sérénissime. J'ai l'honneur d´être avec respect Messieurs votre très humble et très obéissant serviteur.” Translated: “Gentlemen, I have received the Letter with which you honored me and the papers which you kindly attached to it, please accept my thanks. I dare to count on the kindness and protection of his serene highness. I have the honor to be, with respect, Gentlemen, your very humble and very obedient servant.” Mailing folds, minor stain, else fine condition.

Price: $ 4,950 / € 4.500

