Paul VI., Pope (1897-1978)
Rare autograph letter signed
Paul VI. (Latin: Paulus PP. VI; Italian: Paolo VI), born Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini, reigned as Pope of the Catholic Church from 1963 until his death. Succeeding Pope John XXIII., he continued the Second Vatican Council and fostered improved ecumenical relations with Orthodox and Protestants, which resulted in many historic meetings and agreements. Autograph letter signed “GB. Card. Montini Arciv.”. 1p., 8.25 x 11.25 inch, Milano 1960, April 28. On “Il Cardinale Arcivescovo di Milano” (Archbishop of Milan) stationery. In Italian, translated: “Excellency! I must thank you once again for your kind invitation, and again my apologies if I do not accept it. May 12th is already full of commitments for me and I can't afford to be your guest. I am even more sorry that I cannot give my heart to Cardinal Tisserant at the moment that he is your guest. To your Excellency the expression of my respect.” Mailing folds, else good condition. Eugène-Gabriel-Gervais-Laurent Tisserant (1884-1972) was a French prelate and cardinal of the Catholic Church. Elevated to the cardinalate in 1936, Tisserant was a prominent and long-time member of the Roman Curia.
Price: $ 990 / € 900
Paul VI., Pope (1897-1978)
Typed letter signed WW II. dated “confidenziale”
Paul VI. (Latin: Paulus PP. VI; Italian: Paolo VI), born Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini, reigned as Pope of the Catholic Church from 1963 until his death. Succeeding Pope John XXIII., he continued the Second Vatican Council and fostered improved ecumenical relations with Orthodox and Protestants, which resulted in many historic meetings and agreements. Typed letter signed “GBMontini”. 1p., recto and verso, 8.0 x 10.75 inch, Dal Vaticano, 1942 October 3, Segretaria di Stato stationery. Confidential letter “Riservata confidenziale”. Fine letter regarding the approval for a pontifical honor to Mr. Ferruccio Pergolesi, distinguished professor of Constitutional Law. In Italian, in full: “Nel mese di Giugno fu chiesto all’ Card. Nasalli Rocca di Corneliano, Arcivescovo di Bologna, il benestare per il conferimento di una onorificenza pontificia al Sig. Ferruccio Pergolesi, distinto professore di Diritto Costituzionale in quella R. Universita e Consulente della Commissione Centrale Laureati Cattolici. L’ Sig. Cardinal si riservò di assumere informazioni e di dar poi una risposta. Fino ad oggi però nulla é pervenuto a questo Ufficio. Le sarei pertanto molto grato se Ella volesse prendere a cuore la cosa e dire una buona parola all’ Sig. Cardinale affinchè questo Ufficio sia in grado di corrisponde re alle premure che gli sono fatte per questo caso. Si tratta di ottima persona, di cui qui si hanno molte e buone referenze. Se l’ volesse far Sua la proposta, o almeno si compiacesse di dare il suo autorevole assenso, farebbe certo cosa grata a chi ha proposto il Prof. Pergolesi e a quanti lo raccomandano tanto caldamente. Nutro fiducia che Ella con la delicatezza e la premura che la distinguono possa condurre la cosa a buon fine. Grato fin d’ora dei Suoi cortesi servigi, con sensi di sincera e destinta stima ho il piacere di confermarmi.” Mario Nasalli Rocca di Corneliano (1903-1988) was an Italian Cardinal of the Catholic Church. Mailing folds, minor handling wear, else good condition.
Price: $ 880 / € 800
Perón, Juan (1895-1974)
Typed letter signed
Argentine military officer and politician. After serving in several government positions, including those of Minister of Labour and Vice President of the Republic, he was three times elected as President of Argentina, serving from June 1946 to September 1955 and from October 1973 to July 1974. Typed letter signed “Juan Perón”. 1p., 8.25 x 11.75 inch, Madrid, 1962 May 26. On his embossed Juan Perón stationery, thin paper, from his exile in Spain. Addressed to a collector in Germany. In Spanish, in full: “De mi consideración: En respuesta a su amable carta, que valoro y agradezco, me es grato enviarle, de acuerdo a su deseo, una fotografía autografiada. Saludo a usted muy cordialmente.” Translated: “In response to your kind letter, which I value and appreciate, I am pleased to send you, according to your wish, an autographed photograph”. Mailing fold, minor stains, punch holes, else good condition. Also included is a typed letter signed by Maria Estela Martinez de Peròn (1931). 1p., 8.25 x 11.25 inch, Madrid, 2016 November 28. A letter to a collector regarding a signed photograph (not included). Maria Estela “Isabel” Martinez de Perón was the third wife of Juan Peron. She is an Argentine former politician who served as the 46th President of Argentina from 1974 to 1976. Letter has mailing folds, else fine condition.
Price: $ 385 / € 350
Pershing, John J. (1860-1948)
Typed letter signed from Paris
General officer in the United States Army who led the American Expeditionary Forces in World War I. Fine typed letter signed “John J. Pershing”. 1p., (bifolium), 4.5 x 7.0 inch, Paris, 1932 October 4, on Hotel de Crillon, Paris stationery. Addressed to Mrs. John Clarke Graff in Illinois. The letter in full: “Due to my continued absence from Paris, I have been unable to handle my correspondence until recently. I was very glad to receive your letter and to have news of you and your children. As to your son’s condition I have no doubt that he will be very well looked after and think that you should not worry as to the kind of attention he will receive. There is nothing that I could do at this time to assist but if there should be later, please call on me and I shall be most willing to help. Thanking you for your letter and hoping that you will disabuse your mind of any reticence you may have about writing me, I remain as always.” Accompanied by the original mailing envelope. Mailing fold, else fine condition.
Price: $ 385 / € 350
Pius IX., Pope (1792-1878)
Document signed with handwritten addition
Born Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti, who ascended the papal throne in 1846 and served until his death. Document Signed “Pius PP. IX”. 1p., 8.0 x 12.75 inch, bifolium, 1869, February 18. Date and last line in Latin in the hand of the Pope. Being a request supplied by the Chapel and Castle of Aigremont and the friends of the supplicant for a Plenary Indulgence to be granted to Hyacinthe de Clercx d'Aigremont and her parents. Mailing folds, else fine condition.
Price: $ 660 / € 600
Pius X., Pope (1834-1914)
Signed photograph with autograph apostolic blessing
Born Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto served as pope from 1903 until his death in 1914. Known for his conservative, anti-modernist philosophies, he became, in 1954, the first pope to be elevated to sainthood since Pius V. in 1712. Attractive and uncommon signed photograph of the canonized Holy Father. Three-inch diameter circular photo by papal photographer G. Felici of Rome (stamp on verso), affixed to its original 6.25 x 10.25 inch mount. Inscribed by the Pope on the mount to Joanni Baptista Frauendorfer with an apostolic blessing in black ink and signed “Pius PP. X.” and dated “26 November 1912”. Probably slightly trimmed, else fine condition. Enclosed is a carbon copy of a letter with information about the provenance. According to this letter the photograph is probably from the estate of Heinrich von Frauendorfer (1855-1921), knight from 1901 and Bavaria's first transport minister from 1904 until his retirement in 1912.
Price: $ 1,100 / € 1.000
Lot of 10 autographs
1. Aristide Briand (Nobel Peace Price 1862-1932) - Signed postcard photograph / 2. Aristide Briand (Nobel Peace Price 1862-1932) - Visiting card with handwritten note and initial signed / 3. Philippe Pétain (French General 1856-1951) - Card signed and dated / 4. Philippe Pétain (French General 1856-1951) - Autograph note signed 1918 / 5. Charles de Gaulle (Statesman 1890-1970) - Visiting card with handwritten note and initial signed / 6. Randolph S. Churchill (Politician + son of Winston Churchill 1911-1968) - Typed letter signed 1965 / 7. André François-Poncet (French politician 1887-1978) - Autograph note signed and Visiting card with handwritten note (unsigned) mounted together on a piece of paper / 8. Louis XV. (King of France 1710-1774) - Document SECRETARY signed 1744 / 9. Benedetto Croce (Italian Politician 1866-1952) - Autograph letter signed on a card / 10. Joseph Ludwig Colmar (Bishop 1760-1818) - Autograph letter signed 1811. Minor handling wear, else good condition.
Price: $ 1,320 / € 1.200
Riefenstahl, Helene Bertha Amalie "Leni" (1902-2003)
Photograph signed
German film director, producer, screenwriter, editor, photographer, actress and dancer. Vintage signed photograph “Leni Riefenstahl”. 5.0 x 7.0 inch, n.p., n.d., signed in black felt tip pen. Handling wear, else fine condition.
Price: $ 165 / € 150
Stein, Heinrich Friedrich Karl Reichsfreiherr vom und zum (1757-1831)
Letter signed
Known as Baron vom Stein, a Prussian statesman who introduced the Prussian reforms that paved the way for the unification of Germany. Letter signed “Stein“. 1p., 7.25 x 9.0 inch, bifolium, Berlin 1806 June 1, address and red wax seal on verso. To George Tönniges in Paris. In German, in full: „Euer Hochwohlgeboren danke ich vielmals für die gefällige Mittheilung des mit ihrem Schreiben vom 21.ten April d.J. erhaltenen interessanten … über die Pariser Bank, auch für die bei der Gelegenheit mir gegebenen Nachrichten, und werde Ihnen sehr verbunden seyn, wenn sie fortfahren wollen, mir dergleichen Nachrichten über die dortige interessantesten Finanz und … zu ertheilen. Es freut mich übrigens, Euer Hochwohlgeboren benachrichtigen zu können, daß die Angelegenheit wegen Ihrer Ernennung zum königlich preussischen Consul nach dem mir nun des Grafen von Haugwitz Excellenz gegebene Versicherungen reashumirt ist, und sie können darauf rechnen, daß ich die Sache unterstützen werde“. Mailing folds, handling wear, else good condition. Stein is rare in any form!
Price: $ 1,375 / € 1.250
Suu Kyi, Aung San (1945)
Signed photograph
Burmese politician, diplomat, author and a 1991 Nobel Peace Prize laureate who served as State Counsellor of Myanmar and Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2016 to 2021. Photograph signed “Thanking you for your words of support with all good wishes, Aung San Suu Kyi”. 4.0 x 5.75 inch, n.p., n.d. Photograph shows Aung San Suu Kyi and her husband Michael Aris (1946-1999). Photograph a bit blurry, else fine condition.
Price: $ 990 / € 900
Suu Kyi, Aung San (1945)
Signed photograph
Burmese politician, diplomat, author and a 1991 Nobel Peace Prize laureate who served as State Counsellor of Myanmar (equivalent to a prime minister) and Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2016 to 2021. Excellent color photograph signed “With all good wishes. Aung San Suu Kyi”. 5.25 x 4.25 inch, n.p., n.d., signed in blue ink below her image. Fine condition and a rare autograph.
Price: $ 1,210 / € 1.100